The Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board (ECWDB) joined the North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards representing North Carolina’s 23 Workforce Development Boards today, in taking a stand to confront racism in our society. From education, skills training, work experience, and employment, the ECWDB continues to be dedicated to assisting individuals in gaining the skills needed to obtain employment that allows them to thrive and prosper in today’s economy. The ECWDB supports a workforce system that is inclusive and will continue to advocate for all residents in need of workforce services.
You can read the full letter below and may download a PDF of the letter here: A Letter to the Workforce Community
A Letter to the Community
Just as we have been getting used to a new normal for our lives in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, racial inequities, and the tragic deaths of several individuals in recent weeks have all contributed to light a firestorm of protest that has brought injustice and racism to the forefront of our conversations and compelled us to confront the racism in our society.
The North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards (NCAWDB), through our network of NCWorks Career Centers, is committed to providing all residents with the career services, resources and support needed to achieve economic prosperity. This includes support such as tuition assistance for credential attainment, work experience opportunities and employment assistance, along with supportive services that help to remove barriers to employment. Workforce Boards work with thousands of employers to connect them with the skilled talent they need.
At our core are the following values:
From education, skills training, work experience, and employment, local workforce development boards are dedicated to assisting individuals in gaining the skills needed to obtain employment that allows them to provide and thrive.
While so many elements of the future remain uncertain, in collaboration with our leadership, local Workforce Development Board members, and Directors, NCAWDB will continue to support a workforce system that is inclusive and continue to advocate for all residents.
About North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards (NCAWDB)
NCAWDB is a 501(c)6 and the voice for workforce development in North Carolina. We work collectively to plan, coordinate, oversee, and deliver workforce solutions through the NCWorks system. Our Boards help more people and businesses across the state gain access to programs and services that make North Carolina one of the most skilled, productive, and motivated workforce systems in the nation.