The Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board, Inc. (ECWDB) has awarded Two Hawk Workforce Services (THWS) $1.4 million to operate an On-the-Job Training program (OJT) in the counties of Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Pamlico, and Wayne. Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the OJT program will provide employment opportunities for older youth, adults, and dislocated workers to connect with local businesses in need of employees. We believe that this is a critical program that will increase the number of qualified workers and fill open positions in our area. We want to bridge the gap between employers and job seekers and THWS will help us achieve this goal.
THWS currently works with workforce development boards across the state to manage approximately $8.8 million in federal WIOA funds. They have increased their workforce contracting business over 500% since 2014. The corporate management staff at THWS represent significant professional experience, knowledge and understanding of workforce development, job placement, employer/business relations, center management, and regional collaboration and administration.
THWS is committed to working collaboratively with local NCWorks Career Centers and our Business Services team to bring this program to the businesses in our area. THWS has designed outreach efforts to target local businesses in need of hiring qualified workers. The services offered through the OJT program include skill level assessment, job search and placement assistance, business recruitment/referrals of skilled candidates, labor market information, information related to training/retraining, and employment.
“The THWS mission is simple; we are dedicated to providing superior customer service to our clients and customers by delivering exceptional, value-added services. Through our commitment to excellence, we expect our staff to offer the highest level of quality, expertise, and customer satisfaction daily; this applies to our customers, employees, and the communities we serve.” - Sherwood Southerland, Director of THWS.
This OJT program is designed to bring individuals seeking employment with employers who are searching for employees. We are incredibly excited to partner with THWS in a widespread effort to positively impact the job seekers and businesses in our region.