Job Seeker Services

We want to see you achieve your career goals and succeed in the workforce. Our NCWorks team can help you build your resume, identify your potential career pathway, find open positions in your field, and stay competitive with up-to-date workforce statistics. If you need additional training or credentials for the position or career you are interested in, we can connect you with those resources.

  • Identifying Open Positions
  • Resume Development
  • Interview Preparation
  • Computer Skills Assistance
  • Job Fairs
  • Workforce Statistics

  • Career Pathway Information
  • Career Advising
  • Identifying In-Demand Occupations

  • Exploring Training Opportunities
    • On-the-Job Training
  • Scholarships and Grants
  • Attaining Competitive Credentials

Register at NCWorks Online and contact ECWDB or the NCWorks Career Center in your area to learn more about how we can help you.

We update our social media and website with news and job opportunities frequently. Follow us on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay up to date on the current happenings in our area. There are many opportunities out there that people simply don't know about. We want to help you to find the right place and position.