Funding received for job training and career services In July of 2020, Carteret Community College received $523,482 from Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board through a federally-funded program called the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA). The...
We want to see your business grow. Our NCWorks team can help you find, develop, and retain talented employees, from entry-level to experienced positions. Whether your business is new or well-established, large or small, we...
The Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board, inc. views serving our veterans and their families as an honor. Your service to our Country is appreciated and our service to you begins when your service ends. Our...
The Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board, Inc. (ECWDB) is a non-profit organization located in New Bern, North Carolina. ECWDB is governed by a twenty-eight member board of directors in partnership with the local elected officials. This...