Dear North Carolina Employers, North Carolina businesses are looking to hire skilled workers and to upskill their current workforce; industry-recognized credentials can assist in validating these in-demand skills. The State wants to help build urgency and...
We are Excited to Announce our Partnership with Two Hawk Workforce Services! The Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board, Inc. (ECWDB) has awarded Two Hawk Workforce Services (THWS) $1.4 million to operate an On-the-Job Training program (OJT)...
Mr. Fletcher H. Bizzell, of age 83, completed his earthly journey Friday, January 8, 2021 at his home. He was born the first of six children in Wayne County on September 15, 1938 to the late...
A new agreement between the NC Community College System and the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities makes it easier to earn your degree in education. Students at North Carolina’s community colleges who aspire to become...
NCWORKS RAPID RESPONSE AND WORKER ADJUSTMENT AND RETRAINING NOTIFICATION ACT (WARN) Reauthorized from the Workforce Investment Act to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Rapid Response is the primary gateway to the workforce system. North...
The Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board (ECWDB) joined the North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards representing North Carolina’s 23 Workforce Development Boards today, in taking a stand to confront racism in our society. From education,...
Our 2020 Strategic Plan: Measured Collaboration Because It Really Does Matter A Message to the Board As we step out on our journey as a board for the 2020 -21 year, what a difference a few...
Program of WorkEASTERN CAROLINA WDB COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES Executive Committee Objectives: Provide overall strategic direction for ECWDB and determine responsibilities of all committees. Oversee Personnel and Financial management of the ECWDB. Responsible for ongoing Board Development to...